¿Cómo es la vida después del suicidio? Este es un proyecto documental sobre personas que han intentado suicidarse o han perdido a un ser querido a causa del suicidio en Kenia. A través de la fotografía relato sus experiencias; historias individuales donde las emociones toman un lugar central para hablar sobre el estigma y la injusticia social y legal que muchos han sufrido. De acuerdo con la ley N.226 del Código Penal de Kenia el suicidio es considerado un crimen cuya pena puede ser dos años de cárcel, una multa o ambas.
How is life after suicide? This is a documentary project, which gathers the experiences of people in Kenya who have tried to die by suicide or who have lost a loved one to suicide. Using photography I collect their testimonies throughout the country, on the stigma surrounding suicide as well as the social and legal injustice they face. According to the Kenyan Law Nº 226 of the Penal Code: ‘‘Anyone who attempts to commit suicide is guilty of a crime’’; the sentence being two years in prison or a fine or both. With this work I want to contribute to overcome the stigma associated with suicide and bring about a shift from the punitive treatment to psychosocial care, as well as to end the legal consideration of suicide as a criminal activity.

© Patricia Esteve