All photographs on this website are available for purchase. Images are printed on demands and are signed. For print sales or any other inquiry, please, contact me here:

Patricia Esteve es una fotógrafa que ha trabajado en prensa, instituciones, ONGs y agencias de Naciones Unidas.  Durante los últimos 15 años ha vivido en Chad, Costa de Marfil, Kenia y Senegal desarrollando  proyectos documentales así como talleres de fotografía participativa. Actualmente reside en Yangon, Myanmar.

Patricia Esteve is a photographer with experience in media, institutions, NGOs and United Nations agencies. The las 10 years she has lived in Chad, Ivory Coast, Kenya and Senegal developing documentary projects as well as participative photography workshops. Nowadays she is based in Yangon, Myanmar. 

WhatsApp  +95 9 799147503
Lenguage: spanish, catalan, english, french and italian

ONG y Agencias Naciones Unidas/ NGO and UN Agencies
Save the Children Senegal, British Red Cross, OMS Senegal, Medicos del Mundo, African Development Bank, Mathare Foundation, Box Girls Kenya, Peacekeeping mission (UN), UNICEF, Maiti Nepal, Amics del Nepal, The direct help foundation,
 Sinergia Social,
 Àmbit Adhessió, 
Institut Genus.

Prensa e Instituciones / Press and Institutions
AFP, Planeta Futuro "El País", Mental_floss, aCurator, Colors, GEA photowords, La Razón
, ABC, Época
, La Gaceta de los negocios
, Barcelona Metropolitan
, Diari Avui.
Ajuntament de Barcelona, 
Consorci Educació de Barcelona, 
Barcelona Activa

Barcelona Educació

Taller fotografía participativa / Particiapatory Photograhy workshop
Through your eyes, Nairobi 2017
Ponte en mi lugar, Barcelona 2016
Mon point de vue, N´Djamena 2011
Amb veu pròpia, Barcelona 2010

Becas / Grants
CAP PRIZE 2018 Finalist
ART PER CANVI SOCIAL Fundació “la Caixa”, 2016
FOTO PRESS 2015 Finalist
ART PER CANVI SOCIAL Fundació “la Caixa”, 2010

Exposiciones / Exhibitions & Screenings
Out of this life. Exhibition Pati Llimona, Barcelona 2019
Retrat de família. Exhibition Palau Robert, DOCfield festival 2018
Out of this life. Exhibition The Kenyan Cutlural Centre, Nairobi 2018
Through your eyes. Exhibition Mathare Slum, Nairobi 2017
The fragile strength.Multimedia Projection Slideluck Vancouver III, Vancouver. 2016
The fragile strength.Multimedia Projection Slideluck Los Angeles VIII, Los Angeles. 2015
The fragile strength.Multimedia Projection DOCfield'15, Barcelona. 2015
The fragile strength. Exhibition Istitutto Italiano di Cultura, Nairobi, 2015
Alimatou. Multimedia Projection OpenShowVII, Nairobi. 2014
Alimatou.Multimedia Projection DOCfield'14,Barcelona. 2013
Maiti Nepal. Exhibition CIRD Ajuntament Barcelona, 2011
Donde trabajé. Exhibition Galería Kowasa, Barcelona, 2010
1/2 gramo. Exhibition Universidad Blanquerna, Barcelona 2006
All images are copyrighted and are owned by the photographer who created them. Under no circumstance shall these digital files, images, or text be used, copied, displayed or pulled from this site without the expressed written consent of the photographer.
© Patricia Esteve